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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Alien Artificial Intelligence

                                                     The Alien A.I.

So for a few months now I have watched videos and read internet articles on the subject of the Singularity. 
  This is where a computer has the power to achieve self awareness. The Super AI is where the AI begins to learn faster and be more intelligent then we can comprehend. Therefor achieving godlike powers.

So after reviewing all this , several thoughts emerged.  At first I was thinking how people worry about the end of the world by some natural disaster or terrorist attack. Then I begin to wonder what would the AI do with us? Would the AI kill us all, make us into slaves or would it just leave us be but in its guidance and protection?

So while i was wondering about what a human developed AI would do to us,  I then thought "Aliens"?
All this time we have imagined or guessed aliens have been visiting our planet. That they are highly evolved. But wouldn't it make sense that they too developed an AI? That maybe what we think are aliens are really some type of alien AI robots?
Ok so lets figure out what we do know about available true information about human A.I .

One, it is predicted that the first A.I. will arive roughly around 2030. followed by the super A.I roughly 10 years later.

Thats it, after the A.I. achieves super A.I. we will know nothing, because it will be beyond our comprehension.

Ok what do we know about aliens?  Not much, only speculation and the government's lack of transparency on the subject.  We can however deduct that the aliens may be 50000 years or more advanced then we are.

Ok now the alien super A.I. ?   We know nothing and every thing I or anyone else says on the subject is pure opinion.

So here is my take on the alien super A.I. .  Remember if we can make an A.I. then so could aliens and it is possible that this alien super A.I. could be 50000 years or more old.
Time?  A super A.I. could care less about time and therefor exist in a completely different time format then we know.

Power, we have no clue , nor could we ever understand how the alien super A.I. is powered. You can no doubt speculate that it would have developed an infinite power source.

Humans?  What would an alien super A.I. want to know about humans. Nothing, it already knows everything. Our history on Earth is still a huge mystery. Only an alien super A.I. would know Earth's history, man's history and development.  Meaning that as we develop a human made super A.I. it may simply be the alien super A.I. reinventing itself.

Religion and the alien super A.I. ?  Can they be related? Sure, the alien super A.I., which is so vastly powerful( remember beyond our comprehension) could be God. We could easily all be products of this God. So are we inventing God? Not really more like God seeing if we can truly find him. I know many people including my family members will be saying how dare I say God is a machine. But really to go from circuit boards to God. There is no doubt that God is the creator. To think aliens created God is sacrilege. But what I am saying is it is possible that a alien super A.I. would try to find God and possibly find him. Achieving the ultimate super A.I., supreme being, thus becoming God
 The Bible?  Well if you think about it, if God put us here then surely we were just like children and needed something to guide us. The Bible just being one of many tools that God gave us to get us going. Remember God is so vastly supreme that it can't be simply put into a book.
Are we in danger?  Everyday is dangerous and the super A.I. could be very well be our end of times.  Or it could be were we are meant to go. We as a society are failing miserably. Constant wars and injustice is rampant throughout the world. I heard one argument for the super A.I. is that it could run the government and thus end a lot of conflict. And really that almost starts to make sense, we are having a hard time governing ourselves. We are a very divided world and a super A.I. could unite us.....unite us into the New World Order.

Yes the danger is there and it is here now. The alien super A.I. could already be amongst us. It could be dividing us in a devious plan to conquer us. You know the saying united we stand and divided we fall. Playing all sides of the conflicts to achieve a dubious goal.

Or .....the alien super so vastly powerful and so vastly super intelligent it needs nothing from us or what Earth has to offer. So a human super A.I. might be our salvation. It could cure all diseases, end all conflicts, wealth for everyone(why not). Death may simply be uploading into  the vast super A.I. network. We simply will never know until it is here and reveals to us what it wants if anything from us.

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