Give me yesterday, you can have tomorrow !

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Simple stuff

      I have been wanting write my thoughts for you since the day you were born.  You see we had you late in my life and I hope I live long enough to teach you how to survive in this messed up ball of confusion that we live on called Earth.

Teeth !!!!!   Brush them everyday, especially before ya go to bed. I love your smile, its infectious like your mother's smile.
There were times in my partying crazed youth days that I did not and I paid dearly later on in life.  Bad teeth can effect your confidence in yourself,  so do the simple task of brushing your teeth.

Procrastination !!!!    If there is something to do , then do it, don't put things off and say I will do it later.  What happens is as you put things off they build up.  This can cause you stress and we do not like stress.
Just do the hard stuff first and the easy stuff last, it makes life a lil easier.

Its hard to tell you what to do with your life as your life will be different than mine just like my dad's life was different than his dad's.  I really never got to a point in life and said this is what I want to do the rest of my life.  Surfing, yes it was close, I loved it, the freedom it brought me. But the long tentacles of reality reached out in the water and plucked me right out of surfing.  I thought it would be cool if you got into surfing but then I thought , it won't be like it was for me for you.  I surfed perfect days down at Ponce with a handful of people out. For you it will always be hundreds maybe even thousands of surfers out there, constantly going after the same wave you are.

 And you can take that same analogy and compare it with life on land.  Example: jobs are like waves, they come and go and thousand upon thousands will be after them.  But you will have to be smart and clever to come out on top.

Drugs !!!!  This will be one of your biggest challenges. You and your friends will eventually come to that point where you are faced with a decision to use drugs.  Sure sounds like fun, looks like fun, hell sometimes it is fun. ....BUT it is simply a distraction that will pull you out of the game , you hopefully won't get addicted but one or two or even more of your friends will. They will get hooked and want more drugs, its untelling what they will call the drugs in your future but I promise you they are there to take you out of the game. I hope and pray that you will have the inner strength to not use or at least not get addicted to drugs, be strong, life is better without drugs.

Well I don't wanna babble on, so you will have to wait for the next post, love ya!!!!


joekiller said...

Drugs are tough for sure. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

ZipSnipe said...

No problem we all learn from our mistakes

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