Give me yesterday, you can have tomorrow !

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Another day in our lives

Well your mom just came and picked ya up. So I thought I would write to you Noah. It's a rainy crappy day out. But your smile when you left was bright as the sun ever could be.

I wonder how old you will be when you discover this blog, if it will even be around.

Well,  we our at a point in our lives where me and your mom have separated and divorce is inevitable.  I had tried for many of years to make things work but your mom well not that its all her fault. She came to America to get married, so that she could support her family in the Philippines. That's what they do over there, raise their girls to marry Americans and send money home.

 When me and her first met, I realized this early on and accepted it.  While I never sent money to her parents, I did allow her live with me basically for free so that she could .  This worked fine for the first two years as my business was doing well. But then I bought some land and as soon as I did that my business took a nose dive. SO now my income was half and my expenses had doubled.  And when I tried to get your mom to help me, we ended up fighting and I let her continue doing what she had always done. Send money to her parents and go shopping with her friends while I sat at the house broke and stressed out.

All this led up to your mom deciding to cheat on me and separate from me. This was a year and a half after you were born. This was also the 3rd time your mother had cheated on me. So it was the last straw, she wanted to leave me for another man and so be it. I would be happier if she was completely out of my life but you are the connector that binds us. I don't regret you Noah and never have. You are the most wonderful thing that has happened in my life. But I do regret that mom is who she is. That she left me for another married man, that she claims to be Catholic but apparently doesn't matter if she breaks her vows. I will never forgive her for leaving not just me but you too when you were little. I had you all the time, while she went out every night and slept with another man.  She thinks its ok to be a part time parent.

I could go on but whats the point, I don't want you to hate your mom, because after I am gone she will be pretty much all you have. And there's no need to hate anyone, as I really don't hate her but more disappointed.

Well I guess this is what ya call venting and I am done for now. As always love you


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